AshVault V2

AshVault is a collection of NFTs which change in appearance based on their owner's $ASH token balance.

Unfortunately, the script which facilitated the NFT's unique mechanism stopped working due to global web browser updates.

AshVault V2 is a new collection which resolves the critical issue with the original collection, and introduces many significant improvements to the smart contract.

Learn More / FAQ
Proceed to Claim

What will I get by claiming an AshVault V2 token?
Claiming an AshVault V2 token will replace the original, bugged token in your wallet, so that the NFT works as originally intended.

Additionally, you will receive a full refund of the price the token was originally sold for (10 $ASH), and a refund of the gas fee required to burn the original token.
+ Why did the original collection break?
AshVault relies on running a script when the NFT is viewed in order to generate the dynamic appearance.

After the launch of the original collection, global web browser updates changed the way that scripts from external sources are run, for security reasons.

This caused all AshVault NFTs to appear incorrectly.
+ What improvements does the V2 collection include?
AshVault V2 not only fixes the critical issue faced by the original collection, but also brings significant improvements to the smart contract and user experience.

Gas fees incurred by token transfer operations are now at least 5x cheaper, royalty fees have been reduced to 0, the token metadata system has been improved, and a number of safeguards have been put in place at the contract level to make sure the collection can be promptly fixed if it is ever broken again.
+ Could the collection break again?
In the case of unforseeable changes which break the collection (such as what happened to the original collection), a number of safeguards have been put in place at the contract-level to make sure that the collection can be promptly fixed.

Additionally, the V2 contract utilises EIP-2535 Diamonds, which allows smart contracts to be seamlessly upgraded without having to migrate to a new contract address.

AshVault V2 will be the last AshVault collection!
+ Why has the V2 collection taken so long to release?
A lot of time and research was required to make sure that the improved collection will not break in the same way that the original collection did.

I believe the quality and durability of the V2 contract is a direct result of the time taken during the development process.

Claim AshVault V2 Token

Connect Wallet

Burn your V1 token

You'll receive a refund of the gas fee for this transaction once this process is complete.
Do not refresh the page after sending this transaction!

Transaction pending

View on Etherscan

Transaction Confirmed ✅
Mint your V2 token

Transaction pending

View on Etherscan

Transaction Confirmed ✅
View your new NFT

View on Opensea

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Your transaction will be manually reviewed, and your $ASH and gas fee refunds will be delivered soon.

Make sure to follow @0xjonesdev on twitter for updates.

I hope you enjoy this new token as much as I enjoyed building it for you :)
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